Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

about us

Student unit activity (UKM) Seni Tari Unhas was established based on the awareness of the students to maintain and preserve their local culture, especially in South Sulawesi Province. This organization has a big concern in giving a space for all students to improve their skill and their knowledge about the traditional arts and culture especially dance and music traditional of Indonesia generally and South Sulawesi particularly. Not only focusing to preserve their local culture but also it is become a place for the students to improve their soft skills in manage and rule the organization.

UKM Seni Tari Unhas also has a purpose to introduce the traditional arts and culture of South Sulawesi - Indonesia to entire the world. That is why, UKM Seni Tari Unhas is actively and enthusiastically to participate on several festival and competitions whether it is regional, national and also international festival.


1.   The Honorable Mention (4th Honorable Prizes) of 25th International Golden Karagoz Folk Dance Competition, Bursa-Turkey, July 2011. 

2.   The Winner of Grand Prize "South and West Sulawesi Folk Dance Competition", Makassar-Indonesia, June 2011.

3.   The Best Folk Dance Group Performance in "South Sulawesi Folk Dance Festival", Makassar-Indonesia, March 2012.

4.   The Best Folk Dance Group Performance in Parade Tari Nusantara (National Folk Dance Parade), Jakarta-Indonesia, June 2012.

5.   The Best Folk Dance Choreographer in Parade Tari Nusantara (National Folk Dance Parade), Jakarta-Indonesia, June 2012.

6.   The Best Eksotika Sulawesi in Parade Tari Nusantara (National Folk Dance Parade), Jakarta-Indonesia, June 2012.

7.   The Winner of Grand Prize "East Indonesia Folk Dance Festival", Sinjai - Indonesia, June 2013.

8.   The 3rd Best Parade Performance in "East Indonesia Folk Dance Festival", Sinjai - Indonesia, June 2013.

9.   Gold Medals Category Folk Dance Group in “4Th World Championship Of Folklore”, Bulgaria, September 2014.

10.  Highest Award The Gran Premio in International Folklore Festival - Competition (People of the World) 2015 Costa Brava, Spain.

11.    The Best Choreographer, The Best Performance, The Best Costume in TemuKaryaTariKreasi inSouth Sulawesi - Indonesia, March 2016.

12.    The Winner of Kemah Seni inSouth Sulawesi - Indonesia, May 2016.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

PAKARENA 8 UKM Seni Tari Universitas Hasanuddin

Pergelaran Karya Seni Mahasiswa (Pakarena) 8 Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Seni Tari Universitas Hasanuddin (UST Unhas) telah dilaksanakan pada 3 Oktober 2016. Adapun tarian tradisional yang ditampilkan yaitu, tari Pakkuru Sumange, tari Pajjaga Luwu, tari Soya-soya, tari Towaine, tari Bare Allo, tari Tondok Maleke, tari Pagandang Baine, tari Pakarena, tari Songkok Recca dan tari Pa’bitte Passapu. Selain itu , pergelaran ini juga dimeriahkan dengan beatbox&vocal, Rampak gendang, modern dance dan persembahan senior UST.

Pakarena 8 adalah tahap akhir proses penerimaan anggota UST angkatan 8 yang juga merupakan program kerja tahunan Departemen Pelatihan dan Kaderisasi UST. Mengangkat tema “Asal Mula Perahu Pinisi” pergelaran ini  berlangsung di Baruga A.P Pettarani Unhas dan dibuka oleh kordinator DPO UKM Seni Tari Unhas Periode 2016  saudara Ilham aqsa, dan telah berlangsung meriah .

Para anggota baru UKM Seni Tari Unhas kemudian dikukuhkan oleh dewan pembina UKM Seni Tari Unhas yakni Prof. Laode Asrul, MP didampingi oleh kordinator DPO UKM Seni Tari Unhas Periode 2016, Fauziah Mas'ud sebagai Ketua Umum Periode 2016 dan Ketua Panita.